Nagarik Mancha 1989-2014 / Nagarik Mancha, an independent, autonomous citizen's initiative and a social action group, is neither affiliated nor aligned to any political party and does not accept funds from fund giving agencies.

Your Support & Participation

One among the important reasons for the gap between Mancha’s desire and capability in running these kinds of activities is serious inadequacy of finance. On principle, Mancha does not accept funds from fund giving agency, from home or abroad, government or non-government. In most of the cases subscription or donation from workers or their organisations of ‘sick’ and closed industries is, perhaps understandably, not available. Prices of our publications are kept close to their respective cost prices to make them affordable for most people. So far, Nagarik Mancha had to depend on voluntary labour. The activities of the organisation depended mainly on cooperation, both physical and intellectual, from its associates and members. Of late, since many members are unable to spare time for the organisation, as they did in the early years, we have had to utilise the services of two persons against honorarium. They assist in maintaining the day-to-day work at the office and other outdoor activities including development of our publication network.

Nagarik Mancha has survived by raising funds through subscriptions, individual monthly/yearly donations, special donations, sale proceeds from NM publications, and margin from selling books of fraternal organisations that are given to us at a discount. On a couple of occasions we have featured advertisements in our publications and on one instance we accepted a fellowship for 6 months from SARAI, CSDS, New Delhi.

Presently we need just over Rs. 3,00,000 every year for smooth functioning.

Ours is an initiative – a participatory collective involving and enabled by citizens. Do we have to go for funds from funding agencies? We don’t really think so at present! We didn’t have to do it since 1989. Deep down we are indeed confident that we can raise this amount from our co-citizens. However, every now and then, our activities come nearly to a grinding halt – solely because of shortage of funds. We believe that it is a question of inappropriate fund management practices. Hence through discussions with many we had launched a fund-raising drive which could sustain our initiative. The details are as below:

Anyone who broadly agrees with or shares or appreciates the purpose or goal of Mancha as stated, and wishes such an initiative to continue, can become an ‘Associate Member’ of Nagarik Mancha. All the publications – books and Mancha Sambad – are given to Associate Member round the year at 50% discount. In addition to other forms of cooperation Nagarik Mancha expects a minimum of Rs 150 per year from an ‘Associate Member’.

We have also appealed and consequently about a dozen well wishers have donated Rs 8000 each to us on a specific calendar month, earmarked in advance. Such staggered or pre-planned donations reaching us every month has till date taken care of our monthly office expenses to a major extent during the last couple of years or more. Anyone who thinks that donation of such an amount can be made to this self-funding initiative is always welcome to contact us.

If you would like to support us or join us, please send an email at You can also contact me on 9831172060. Please note that we can collect cash or cheque from any place by appointment. You can also transfer money to our SBI account number 11165929793, State Bank of India, Narkeldanga Branch, IFSC Code: SBIN0001580, in favour of ‘Purba Kolkata Nagarik Mancha’. One can use GPay or QR Code if convenient.

We believe that YOU can help Nagarik Mancha.

We know that you have faith in citizens’ initiatives.

So do we!

Naba Dutta
General Secretary
Nagarik Mancha